ORDER BY는 query 구문에서 가장 마지막에 쓰이며 결과를 ORDER BY 뒤에 나오는 컬럼명으로 요약한다.
query = """
SELECT ID, Name, Animal
FROM `bigquery-public-data.pet_records.pets`
내림차순으로 데이터를 정렬하고 싶을 경우 ORDER BY 구문의 가장 마지막에 DESC를 붙인다.
query = """
SELECT ID, Name, Animal
FROM `bigquery-public-data.pet_records.pets`
2. Dates
BigQuery에는 DATE와 DATETIME 방식이 있다. DATE 형식의 경우 연, 월, 일의 형태로 존재하며 DATETIME은 시간이 추가되어 있다.
EXTRCAT를 활용하면 DATE나 DATETIME 타입의 데이터에서 연도와 일자를 추출할 수 있다.
query = """
SELECT Name, EXTRACT(DAY from Date) AS Day
FROM `bigquery-public-data.pet_records.pets_with_date`
4. Using case of ORDER BY
# Query to find out the number of accidents for each day of the week
query = """
SELECT COUNT(consequtive_number) AS num_accidents,
EXTRACT(DATOFWEEK FROM timestamp_of_crash) AS day_of_week
FROM `bigquery-public-data.nhtsa_traffic_fatalities.accident_2015`
GROUP BY day_of_week
ORDER BY num_accidents DESC
# Set up the query
safe_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig(maximum_bytes_billed = 10**9)
query_job = client.query(query, job_config = safe_config)
# API request
accidents_by_day = query_job.to_dataframe()
5. Exercise : Order By
Step 1 : Government expenditure on education
To answer this question, consider only the rows in the dataset corresponding to indicator code SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS, and write a query that returns the average value in the value column for each country in the dataset between the years 2010-2017 (including 2010 and 2017 in the average).
# Your code goes here
country_spend_pct_query = """
SELECT country_name, AVG(value) AS avg_ed_spending_pct
FROM `bigquery-public-data.world_bank_intl_education.international_education`
WHERE indicator_code = 'SE.XPD.TOTL.GD.ZS' AND year <= 2017 AND year >= 2010
GROUP BY country_name
ORDER BY avg_ed_spending_pct DESC
# Set up the query (cancel the query if it would use too much of
# your quota, with the limit set to 1 GB)
safe_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig(maximum_bytes_billed=10**10)
country_spend_pct_query_job = client.query(country_spend_pct_query, job_config=safe_config)
# API request - run the query, and return a pandas DataFrame
country_spending_results = country_spend_pct_query_job.to_dataframe()
# View top few rows of results
Step 2 : Identify interesting codes to explore
# Your code goes here
code_count_query = """SELECT indicator_code, indicator_name, COUNT(1) AS num_rows
FROM `bigquery-public-data.world_bank_intl_education.international_education`
WHERE year = 2016
GROUP BY indicator_code, indicator_name
HAVING num_rows >= 175
ORDER BY num_rows DESC
# Set up the query
safe_config = bigquery.QueryJobConfig(maximum_bytes_billed=10**10)
code_count_query_job = client.query(code_count_query, job_config=safe_config)
# API request - run the query, and return a pandas DataFrame
code_count_results = code_count_query_job.to_dataframe()
# View top few rows of results
Source of the course : Kaggle Course _ Order By
Order By
Explore and run machine learning code with Kaggle Notebooks | Using data from US Traffic Fatality Records
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